First blog post

Paul Jolly » 04 November 2013

Hi Everyone, My name is Paul Jolly, and I'm a sophomore Engineering major. Funny story: I actually declared Engineering, but the registrar messed up and declared my '2nd Concentration' as Engineering. So my 'major' still reads undeclared and I still have a first-year advisor... haha... Anyway, my interest in Digital Electronics really sparked this semester with E85. So far, I've enjoyed every bit from the 'tedious' labs to the tricky homework. It's actually material that I don't mind staying up for a long time doing. This being said, I'm interested in expanding my knowledge in the subject with this research...

Embedded Projects Research

Josef Spjut » 04 November 2013

I'm considering offering a course consisting of a series of embedded systems projects chosen by students to fit a certain theme. I think it would be useful to test out the concept with some students this semester (Fall 2013) to give me a chance to debug the methodology before the class is offered in the Spring. The idea is to have 4 weeks to work on a project, with regular presentations, design reviews, and critiques. The only requirements for the project are that they use some digital controller and they must accomplish something cool and intersting receiving input and providing...

First blog post

Fabiha Hannan » 03 November 2013

Hi! I'm Fabiha. This is my first post in the repository In terms of my research interests, I would like to focus on modeling digital architecture, through various mediums. I am also interested in working on parallel processors and GPUs. Although I would prefer using software to model hardware as opposed to coding more abstract concepts, I am fine with high-level and low-level programming. Dongh-yeon explained using Github on Linux and the engineering server Tera. Like Eric, I downloaded the Github desktop application Windows and used both jekyll and Git Shell. Although most tips seem to have been covered...

Setting up Git on Tera

Dong-hyeon Park » 02 November 2013

Since Eric went over using git on Windows, I'll talk about setting up git on Linux, more specifically on Tera. Knowing how to use Linux comes in quite handy, especially if you are interested in Digital. Even if you are not strictly programming, lot of the software tools for digital circuits seem to run in Linux based on my observation. Unfortunately, working in command line environment isn't someting that get taught often at Mudd. Even some of my CS friends don't know how to do things in command line. If you are not familar with Tera, it is the...

GPGPU Sim Repository

Josef Spjut » 01 November 2013

I forked GPGPU-Sim today into the charlab github account. This is in preparation for beginning to use GPGPU-Sim for our own research and experiments. I believe we will be using the most recent version, called v3.x. If you want to see the repository, check the github repository. The readme there gives a brief description of the prerequisites and how to get started with GPGPU-Sim.

User Metadata

Josef Spjut » 28 October 2013

In my other post I discussed how to create a blog post. However, I assumed that some meta data was already available. If you are new to this research group and want to be able to create blog posts, then you should create an author entry for the _config.yml file so that your information is available for the web site to fill in. Below is the example of my author information. If you don't include any particular piece of information, then the field will not appear next to your posts. The only required pieces of information are your name, title,...

Testing Website Changes Locally

Josef Spjut » 28 October 2013

You can run jekyll locally while writing your blog posts. This is extremely useful for ensuring you don't break the web site by uploading your blog post. Please note that sometimes, even if your website works locally, it could break when uploaded to github (because github uses a slightly different version of jekyll sometimes). The following instructions are adapted from the jekyll-bootstrap quick start guide First, to edit or add posts to the site, you will need to clone the repository. If you are a member of the github organization group, then you should clone the repository in authenticated mode...

Linking to Other Blog Posts

Josef Spjut » 28 October 2013

A quick piece of information that might be useful, if you want to link to another blog post on this web site, you should create a link like this: [test link]({% post_url jspjut/2013-10-22-post-name %}) where test link is the text you want the link to show up under.