By Josef Spjut on 28 October 2013

In my other post I discussed how to create a blog post. However, I assumed that some meta data was already available. If you are new to this research group and want to be able to create blog posts, then you should create an author entry for the _config.yml file so that your information is available for the web site to fill in. Below is the example of my author information. If you don't include any particular piece of information, then the field will not appear next to your posts. The only required pieces of information are your name, title, and a biography.

jspjut :
    display_name : Josef Spjut
    job_title : Professor
    bio : 'Josef is a professor of engineering at Harvey Mudd College
        and a consulting researcher for NVIDIA. He received his Ph.D. from
    University of Utah and his B.S in Computer Engineering from
        University of California Riverside.'
    email :
    web :
    twitter : josefspjut
    github : jspjut
    linkedin : josefspjut

A recommended job_title for a student would be something like "B.S. Engineering 2015". If you want to put in the info yourself, you should edit the _config.yml file in the root directory of the website, otherwise you can just send the information to Prof. Spjut and he'll enter it for you.

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