Learning to blog

Eric Storm » 28 October 2013

Here's a test post that hopefully won't crash the site. I tried to install Jekyll on my Windows machine, but it is pretty tricky. I'll fiddle with it later and also try it out on Linux. If you are trying to create your own page, here's some tips I discovered. Disclaimer: I used Windows to do this, so your experiece could be different. Disclaimer 2: A lot of this may be repeated from Prof. Spjut's posts. * I used the GitHub desktop application. It provides a GUI for a lot of stuff I would normally do with the command line....

How to create a blog post

Josef Spjut » 22 October 2013

Update: I've made an updated post. In this post, I'll explain how to use jekyll to create a blog post on this site. I've set up the site to allow for multiple authors, so there will be an additional frontmatter tag required at the front of the post compared to most jekyll blogs. First of all, I highly recommend everyone posting on this site use markdown syntax for their blog posts. They have a significant benefit of being readable (and writable) as plain text making your job in creating blog posts much easier. Markdown files should have the suffix .md...