
Josef Spjut
Professor | blog posts | web page | email | linkedin
Josef is a visiting assistant professor of computer engineering at Harvey Mudd College and a consulting researcher for NVIDIA. He received his Ph.D. from University of Utah and his B.S in Computer Engineering from University of California Riverside.
Past Members

Ramy Elminyawi
B.S. Engineering 2016 | blog posts | email
Ramy is a junior engineering major with a focus on electrical and digital engineering. He is currently working on the CUDA post processing work on the Jetson project.
Amy Ngai
B.S. Engineering 2016 | blog posts | email
Amy is a junior engineering major with a focus on electrical and computer engineering. She is working on the motion control portion of the Jetson project, and is also a lab grader/tutor for E85.
Skyler Williams
B.S. Computer Science 2016 | blog posts | email
Skyler is a junior Computer Science major working on the MUSE project who has interests in systems level computing and human-machine interactions.

Dong-hyeon Park
B.S. Engineering 2014 | blog posts | email | linkedin
Dong-hyeon graduated in 2014 and is now a Ph.D. student at Michigan.
Akhil Bagaria
B.S. Engineering 2016 | blog posts | web page | email | linkedin
Akhil have moved on to projects with LAIR.