New Team Members

Josef Spjut » 27 February 2015

I'd like to welcome a couple new members to Charlab for the Spring 2015 semester. The new members are Jean Sung and Sebastian Krupa. They will be working along with Andrew Fishbery on an entry for the Second Data Prefetching Championship. I'm very excited to see the great work they accomplish this semester.

Approaching Rendering Conference Deadlines

Josef Spjut » 20 January 2015

I figured since it is the start of a new semester, and some of us will be thinking about writing papers in the near future, I'd write a list of the relevant rendering deadlines that I'm aware of. The following are sorted in order of submission deadline. SIGGRAPH 2015 20 January 2015: Papers deadline (today, so we missed it) 17 February 2015: Courses, talks, emerging technologies deadline 9-13 August 2015: Conference (Los Angeles, USA) EGSR 2015 1 April 2015: Abstract deadline 5 April 2015: Papers deadline 3 May 2015: Reviews 6 May 2015: Rebuttal 14 May 2015: Author notification 21...

Sphynx Technical Report

Josef Spjut » 05 December 2014

The first publication has been submitted from the group and is now available online. This publication is from the group that worked on the Sphynx project during the 2013-2014 school year. To give you a taste of the publication, here is the abstract: The Sphynx project was an exploratory study to discover what might be done to improve the heavy replication of instructions in independent instruction caches for a massively parallel machine where a single program is executing across all of the cores. While a machine with only many cores (fewer than 50) might not have any issues replicating the...

Hand Detection Algorithm

Amy Ngai » 18 November 2014

Hey all, For the motion capture lab, we are basing the hand detection algorithm on open source code found here. In this blog post, I will explain the code in more detail. The code here does not include the modifications made for the lab, but is as directly provided from the link above. This part of the code is the includes and the definitions used later on in the code. #include <stdio.h> #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h> #define VIDEO_FILE "video.avi" #define VIDEO_FORMAT CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G') #define NUM_FINGERS 5 #define NUM_DEFECTS 8 #define RED CV_RGB(255, 0, 0) #define GREEN CV_RGB(0, 255,...

Motion Blur Updates

Ramy Elminyawi » 14 November 2014

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on how things are going with the post processing work. I managed to run a motion blur on an image that I had saved to my desktop, shown below, and for next week, I want to get the same type of blur to work on an image that is saved in memory. That way, I can progress to blurring videos that are stored in memory and finally the game, which will be stored in memory as well. The image I blurred was found on a motion blurring tutorial (for Photoshop)...

Motion Capture Lab Updates!

Amy Ngai » 10 November 2014

USB Webcam and OpenCV Check So you have a USB webcam installed and plugged into your board and you have OpenCV up and running. To test the integration, you can run one of OpenCV sample programs: # Make sure we have installed a C++ compiler. sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ # If you have a USB webcam plugged in to your board, then test one of the live camera programs. g++ laplace.cpp -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_gpu -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_ml -lopencv_nonfree -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_photo -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_superres -lopencv_video -lopencv_videostab -o laplace ./laplace Source: Testing OpenCV If you get the error:...

Black Screen fix on Jetson

Ramy Elminyawi » 10 November 2014

Over the past few days, my Jetson tk1 L4T 19.2 board had the problem of logging out abruptly, which, after looking up the problem, I found out was a pretty common thing to happen. After I ran an update, and tried rebooting, it started loading as usual, with the nVidia logo displaying, but after that the screen goes black. I looked up how to fix this problem and stumbled across this webpage. I followed the instructions written out by user "deppman", copied below. First, just open up the Terminal window on the black screen (Ctrl-Alt-F1) and run these commands....

How to fix UTC on Jetson

Ramy Elminyawi » 04 November 2014

Last week, after reconfiguring the kernel on the Jetson board, I found out that the system clocks were very off. I figured it was no big deal, and tried to change it from the GUI time settings, and realized I was not able to change the clock at all. I did find some helpful Terminal commands, which are posted below, that changed the clock, but it only did so temporarily. Every time I turned off the board and reopen it, I would see that the clock was back to the incorrect time, somewhere in the year 2000. What was worse...