By Eric Storm on 08 December 2013

I spend most of this week familiarizing myself with the concept and implementation of the project. I read over the paper that was submitted as well as the reviews of the paper. In general the paper is lacking in thoroughness as well as any useful conclusions.

I don't currently have access to the spock folder on tera, so I pulled the repository from GitHub. I looked through the makefile and all of the code and have a rudimentary understanding of what the programs are doing (unfortunately, they are almost entirely uncommented). I was able to successfully run the make file and generate the plots shown in the paper. Unfortunately, the traces themselves are linked from the protected spock folder on tera, so I didn't look at them.

I was able to access the folder on tera with Pin. My plan for next week is to figure out how to use Pin and re-create the sp_omp trace to make sure I am using it correctly. From there I'd like to generate TTR plots for more programs to get a better sense of the metric.

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